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How to Play Basketball While Sick

How to Play Basketball While Sick

How to Play Basketball While Sick

Whether you’re just getting started in the game of basketball or are a seasoned player, coming down with a cold or other illness can sideline you for a few days.  And while many illnesses and sicknesses typically subside after some rest and downtime, for the more competitive basketball player, that may simply be too long.

That is why, below, we are going to review and discuss just how to play basketball while sick.  In addition, we are going to look at whether or not you should engage in a game of basketball while sick and what steps you should take before doing so.

By following the steps below, you’ll not only be able to get back to the court faster, but also in a safer, healthier manner. 

Why Do People Play Basketball While Sick?

Any avid basketball fan will fondly recall Michael Jordan’s “flu game”.  So dubbed due to Jordan’s suffering from food poisoning, he went out on June 11, 1997, against the. Utah Jazz in Game 5 of the 1997 NBA Finals.  In Jordan’s “flu game” he was too sick and ill to even speak with the media and reporters after the game.

And although Jordan’s work ethic is well-known and discussed, with a competitive spirit greater than even Kobe’s, Jordan would state that he simply, “didn’t want to give up”, further adding “No matter how sick I was or how tired I was or how low on energy I was. I felt the obligation to my team, to the city of Chicago, to go out and give that extra effort.”

And while Jordan’s competitive spirit may be greater than the average persons, his words ring true to any basketball player.  While being sick can definitely damper your spirit and energy, the will to compete and win is oftentimes stronger than any illness.

Further, whether you play professionally or recreationally, many times players will feel an obligation to their teammates, coaches, and fans to continue to compete.  Due to this feeling, players will often suit up for a game, no matter how ill or unwell they may feel.

Is it OK to Play Basketball While Sick?

Admittedly, the question of whether or not it is OK to play basketball while sick is a nuanced one.   While the goal of any illness and sickness is a quick and speedy recovery, many times the urge, will, and obligation to return to the game may be too great.

That is why experts use the phrase “above the neck” when determining whether or not returning to the game is suitable.  “Above the neck” simply refers to what type of symptoms you are feeling.  If you are experiencing symptoms that are above your neck, such as a stuffy nose, sneezing, or a headache, then playing basketball is typically OK.

However, any symptoms below the neck, such as nausea, body aches, fever, or diarrhea, then it is advised to skip out on the next game.  This is due to your not wanting to infect other players and for the mere fact that playing basketball while under this duress could prolong your feelings of sickness.

Reasons to Not Play Basketball While Sick

As mentioned above, there are two primary reasons why you would not want to play basketball while sick.  The first, and perhaps most important, is due to the fact that playing basketball and engaging in tough, physical exercise can prolong your feelings of sickness.

And while, admittedly, you may feel better during the game, this feeling is typically temporary and may be due to the adrenaline coursing through your veins.  However, post-game, your feelings of being sick and unwell will typically return, and many time they will be compounded.

Secondly, and again just as importantly, playing basketball while sick can risk the health of other players.  Both your teammates and other players, coaches, coaching staff, and referees may fall ill from your contagious illness, causing widespread sickness and absences from the game.

As a common courtesy to others, if you are feeling unwell, particularly with an illness that is contagious, it is best to refrain from playing basketball with others until you feel better.

Best Ways to Play Basketball While Sick

If you are going to play basketball while sick, there are a few steps you can take to help yourself play better and to overcome the feelings of sickness.  However, these are general tips and may not apply to your specific situation.  If you are feeling unwell, it is best to consult with a trained medical professional and to rest until you feel better.

  • Stay Hydrated – we’ve discussed the importance of water for a basketball player and just how much water a basketball player should be drinking each day.  However, if you are feeling unwell, then properly hydrating with water, juice, and soup can help to clear congestion and prevent hydration.
  • Rest When Possible – similarly, if you have a big game coming up, then try to rest as much as possible beforehand.  Resting and getting quality sleep will help your body to overcome the illness and will. Help you to recover more quickly.
  • Try Over-the-Counter Medications – again, we are not doctors nor are we medical professionals.  If you’ve discussed doing so with a medical professional, then you may want to consider over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help relieve feelings of an illness.
  • Consider Adding Moisture to the Air – a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier can help add moisture to your home, which can help clear congestion.  This is an easy remedy and one that can see quick results.
  • Drink Tea and Honey – both tea and honey have beneficial properties and can help to reduce the feelings of a cough.  Drinking tea can also help soothe a sore throat, loosen mucus, and provide anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Avoid Soft Drinks, Alcohol, and Smoking – while you should avoid cigarettes and other forms of smoking already, be sure to not engage in those habits while you are feeling unwell.  In addition, soft drinks and alcohol may make your feelings of dehydration worse, so they are best avoided.


When it comes to playing basketball while sick, the general consensus is that doing so is typically ok if the area of the sickness is above the neck.  However, if you are feeling unwell below your neck, it is generally advised to refrain from basketball or any other forms of exercise.

While sick, be sure to take the time needed to properly rest and recover.  This means drinking plenty of fluids and water, taking over-the-counter medications, and resting your body when and where possible.  Again, don’t overexert yourself and play to your limits.