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The REAL Reason Why Basketball and NBA Players Don’t Smoke

The REAL Reason Why Basketball and NBA Players Don’t Smoke

The REAL Reason Why Basketball and NBA Players Don’t Smoke

Cigarette smoking in the United States is at an all-time low.  In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), cigarette smoking among U.S. adults is now at 13.7%, which is a decline of approximately two-thirds since the Surgeon General issued a warning about the health consequences of smoking nearly 50-years ago.

The Director of the CDC, Robert R. Redfield noted, “[the] marked decline in cigarette smoking is the achievement of a consistent and coordinated effort by the public health community and our many partners.”

And, in both the NBA and for basketball athletes, the number of players who smoke cigarettes is rapidly declining.  Below, we’re going to explain the REAL reason why basketball and NBA players don’t smoke.  We’re also going to provide you with helpful tips and resources to help you quit the habit once and for all.

Basketball Requires Intense Cardiovascular Endurance

By far, the number one reason why basketball and NBA players don’t smoke is due to the fact that basketball, as a sport, requires intense levels of cardiovascular endurance.

On average, a basketball player will need to run approximately 3-miles per game.  This is due to the fact that a player on the court will need to run back-and-forth on the court for both offensive and defensive schemes and plays.

With so much running required, basketball and NBA players typically choose to stay away from smoking and tobacco related products due to the impact smoking has on the lungs.

Smoking can affect your lung capacity.  The tar in cigarettes can coat your lungs and make the air sacs less elastic.  In addition, smoking produces phlegm, which can make your lungs congested.  This is true whether you smoke a whole pack or even a few cigarettes a day.

Due to the affect cigarettes and other tobacco related products can have on your lungs, and their lung capacity, most basketball and NBA players opt to steer clear of smoking products.

Basketball Players Enjoy Peak Physical Condition

As a basketball player, you will need to put in intense, multiple hours of training and workouts into your routine to reach your basketball goals.  As-such, you will begin to notice that your body will become stronger, leaner, and more toned.

In fact, basketball is one of the best sports there are for strength and cardi conditioning.

With so much time and effort going into the gym every day, basketball players do not want to risk losing their edge or competitiveness by smoking.

Smoking cigarettes can affect your overall health and the health of your body.  For this reason, basketball players will typically not smoke cigarettes and will attempt to maintain their physique and form.

Reduced and Narrowed Blood Arteries

Another factor and reason why basketball and NBA players don’t smoke is due to the fact that smoking can lead to a narrowing of arteries.  The nicotine and carbon monoxide in smoke can make your blood “sticky”, which can lead to a narrowing of arteries.

Narrowed arteries can reduce the flow of blood to your heart, muscles, and other organs.  This, in turn, can make exercising harder and more difficult.  During intense workouts and exercises, blood flow helps boost oxygen supply to your muscles.  However, if your muscles don’t get enough oxygen fast, then your body won’t be able to work as well.

Basketball and NBA Players Are Motivated to be the Best

As an athlete, there is an internal and innate desire to be the best at the game.  You practice daily, watch tapes to hone your game, and live, breathe, and dream all things basketball.  This desire is always there, pulsating in your veins and pushing you to work harder each day.

However, smoking cigarettes can negatively impact your performance and your abilities to perform at a top level.  Smoking has been shown to have negative repercussions, leading to reduced lung capacity, increased strain on your heart, and reduced blood flow to organs.

For most basketball and NBA players, this reduced performance is simply non-negotiable.  Understanding the risks of smoking and tobacco related products, basketball and NBA players will simply forgo any kind of smoking product for the betterment of their health and their abilities on the court.

How to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking isn’t easy.  Nicotine, one of the main ingredients in cigarettes and tobacco related products, has been notorious for its addictive qualities.  And while nicotine, itself, isn’t harmful, the tar and residue from cigarettes are and can lead to long-term health consequences.

It is, therefore, always encouraged that anyone who smokes to quit and kick the habit completely.

If you are looking to quit smoking, then one of the first things you should do is find your reason why you want to quit.  Is it for the love of the game or for your overall health?  Whatever it is, jot down your reason and keep it in mind as you attempt to quit.

In addition, you should set a target date to quit and prepare yourself for that date.  Whether you are opting to go cold-turkey or will be using a smoking cessation product, be sure to mentally prepare yourself before the date.

Also, when it comes to quitting smoking, be sure to lean on friends, family, loved ones, and even your fellow basketball teammates.  Let them know of your plan to quit and to assist you through the journey.  You will be surprised by how much support you will receive, and they will be able to help you during particularly difficult bouts of cravings.

Lastly, be sure to give yourself distractions and other hobbies to occupy your time.  A common option is to begin chewing gum or eating pumpkin seeds as to distract yourself from any cravings.

Although quitting smoking won’t be easy, it is a struggle worth going through.  Not only will your friends, family, and teammates be thankful, but you too will be glad you completed the struggle.