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Why Do Basketballs Get Bumps?

Why Do Basketballs Get Bumps?

Why Do Basketballs Get Bumps?

There is, perhaps, nothing as exciting to a basketball player then opening the box to a new basketball. With that new basketball smell and feel, the anticipation of dribbling and shooting with the new basketball is almost dizzying.

However, there is probably no worse feeling for basketball players then realizing your beloved basketball has a bump or lump on it. But, just why do basketballs get bumps or lumps and what can you do to fix it?

Below, we are going to look at why basketballs get bumps and the steps you can take to ensure that a bump doesn’t occur on your basketball. In addition, we are going to look at some ways to fix the bump, if one does occur on your basketball.

How do Bumps Happen on a Basketball?

If you’ve played basketball before, whether professionally or at an amateur level, or simply on a pickup team, you’ve likely encountered a basketball that has a bump or lump on it. These bumps can make dribbling, passing, shooting, and rebounding the ball difficult, if not impossible, and often signify the end of a basketballs use.

But, just why do these bumps occur?

There are actually a number of reasons and ways that a bump can form on a basketball. However, some of the most popular ways a basketball can develop a bump is by one of the following.

  • Striking, hitting, or kicking the basketball – perhaps the most surprising way that a basketball can develop a bump, but striking, hitting, or kicking a basketball is often one of the easiest ways for a basketball to develop a bump. The reason for this is due to the excessive force weakening the internal structure and composition of the basketball, allowing for air to escape from the inner, hollow sphere.
  • Overinflation – another easy way for a basketball to form bumps is by over-inflating the basketball. NBA rules dictate that basketballs should be inflated to between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch. If a basketball is inflated below this level, it won’t bounce correctly. Similarly, if it is inflated past this level, the basketball could burst or develop a bump and become unusable.
  • Incorrect storage – lastly, another common cause for bumps on a basketball is incorrect storage. Placing a basketball in cold or hot storage causes the ball to deflate. This deflation requires the ball to, naturally, need to be re-inflated. However, frequent deflation and inflation of a basketball can cause the internal structure to deteriorate, eventually leading to a complete breakdown of the ball.

Do Bumps Occur More Often on Cheaper Basketballs?

A common question we get asked is just whether or not bumps occur more often on cheaper and less-expensive basketballs. And, as with so many things in life, the answer is that it depends. While, generally, more expensive and reputable basketballs manufactured by the likes of Spalding and Wilson will be able to better retain their shape, excessive force and mismanagement of the ball will lead to deterioration, regardless of how expensive the basketball was.

However, that is not to say, that more expensive basketballs aren’t better able to withstand the pressures of mismanagement and improper use. They are. More expensive basketballs tend to be made with better, more high-quality materials which helps to keep the original shape intact.

Regardless of whether you purchase a cheaper basketball or a more expensive one, you should always take great care of your basketball to prolong its life and usability.

Can You Remove a Bump From a Basketball?

Unfortunately, once a bump has occurred on a basketball, there is little that can be done to salvage the basketball. Similarly, there are currently no at-home solutions or remedies which can remove the bump once it has been formed or begins to form.

To make matters even worse, the bump will continue to grow as the basketball is used and additional bumps will begin to appear across the surface of the basketball, rendering the ball completely unusable.

However, if you have a personal attachment to the basketball, your best bet is to either contact the manufacturer directly and request assistance from the brand. Many times, if you ask nicely, the manufacturer may be able to help you restore the basketball to its original condition.

Similarly, if they are unable to help you restore the basketball to its original condition, the manufacturer may send you a replacement basketball for your loyalty to the brand. Again, it doesn’t hurt to reach out and ask, so long as you do so respectfully.

Secondly, if you are unable to get in touch with the manufacturer or find yourself at a dead-end with them, you can take your basketball to a leather shop. The process is not a simple one, as the leather shop will need to remove the top layer and repair the inside of the ball, but if you’re attached to the basketball then it is an available option.

How to Avoid a Bump Occurring on a Basketball?

While there is little that can be done once a bump has formed, there are some helpful tips you can take to ensure a bump does not occur on your basketball and to extend the overall usability of your basketball.

  • Don’t strike, hit, or kick the basketball – perhaps the most obvious one, but if you want to avoid a bump on your basketball, then don’t strike, hit, or kick it. Treat the basketball in the manner it is meant to be used and treated and bumps won’t form. Similarly, avoid sitting on the basketball as that too can cause it to lose its internal structure.
  • Don’t over-inflate the basketball – similarly, be careful to not over-inflate the basketball. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on how much air to inflate the basketball to and don’t go over or under their recommended guidelines. We also recommend purchasing a portable ball pump, which can show you the perfect amount of air to fill the ball to. We personally recommend the Pumteck Electric Ball Pump.
  • Store the basketball properly – lastly, be sure to store your basketball properly. Basketballs should be stored in a cool, dry location that is neither too cold nor too hot. You should also pick the basketball up from time-to-time and give it a few dribbles to help keep its shape.

Best Basketballs to Purchase if Yours Has a Bump

Unfortunately, for most of us, once a basketball gets a bump on it, it is time to purchase a new one. However, there are a ton of options and choices to choose from. With different brands, colors, and uses, choosing a new basketball can be a difficult choice.

So, to make the choice a bit easier, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite basketballs that we’ve used below and ones that we think you’ll enjoy.

  • Wilson Evolution Game Basketball – the Wilson Evolution Game Basketball, in our own testing, is by far the best indoor basketball for overall grip and durability.  It is the number one indoor basketball in America and on courts around the world.  The Wilson Evolution basketball offers a soft, natural touch due to its cushioned core, making the ball soft to the touch.  In addition, the premium microfiber composite cover provides a grip that basketball players have come to love and depend on, making it our overall top choice. If you want to play seriously, then this ball is the ball to use.
  • Spalding Street Outdoor Basketball – the Spalding Street Outdoor Basketball is our recommendation for the best basketball for pickup games.  This basketball feels identical to an indoors basketball, though it is meant for outdoor use.  It performs well at keeping air in and provides a refreshing sound while it travels through the net.  A relatively inexpensive basketball, you should be able to have endless amounts of fun with this ball outside and in the rain.
  • Spalding Street Phantom Outdoor Basketball – a close second to the Spalding Street Outdoor Basketball is the Spalding Street Phantom Outdoor Basketball.  As both basketballs are manufactured by the same company, their specifications are nearly identical.  However, the Street Phantom comes in a beautifully designed black and yellow, giving it a cooler, more refined look.
  • Spalding React TF-250 – the Spalding React TF-250 is an indoor and outdoor basketball and is made from a faux-leather material.  We really recommend this basketball as it has superior grip.  Being made of faux-leather, the grip is much more superior than rubber and remains at a comfortably inexpensive price point.  
  • Spalding All Conference Indoor-Outdoor Basketball – the Spalding All Conference Indoor-Outdoor Basketball is our top pick for the overall best hybrid basketball on the market.  Featuring a composite material finish, this basketball is perfect for indoor and outdoor play and provides the grip and durability players are looking for.  With a brownish finish, this basketball maintains its natural shape and performance, time and time again and through repeated use.
  • Spalding Zi/O Excel Basketball – the Spalding Zi/O Excel Basketball is another great option from Spalding, a reputable basketball brand that is often used in professional play.  This basketball is shipped inflated and ready to use.  With a tacky outer feel, the Spalding Zi/O Excel Basketball provides superior grip on both asphalt and hardwood flooring.
  • Senston Rubber Men’s Basketball – the Senston Rubber Men’s Basketball is definitely the “new kid on the block” but punches above its weight class.  Although the Senston brand is a newer one, they have quickly made a name for themselves.  Featuring eye-catching design and colors, this basketball is great for new players looking to learn the basics of the game.  However, for a rubber basketball, its overall grip was quite good and provided the comfortability that basketball players across the globe look for.