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What are the Characteristics of Masculinity?

What are the Characteristics of Masculinity?

What are the Characteristics of Masculinity?

What makes a man, a man?  We don’t mean to ask that question philosophically, but rather in a sense of what does it mean to be a man in today’s day-and-age?  Being a man is typically classified by the times and the characteristics of masculinity are typically fluid and ever changing. 

When asking what are the characteristics of masculinity, it can be difficult to pinpoint exact characteristics as they are always in change.  However, there are a number of both traditional and modern masculinity characteristics which appear to remain static and fixed.  We’re going to review those characteristics of masculinity and review how they have changed and updated in recent years.

“A man is one whose body has been trained to be the ready servant of his mind; whose passions are trained to be the servants of his will; who enjoys the beautiful, loves truth, hates wrong, loves to do good, and respects others as himself.”

Physical Strength

From the shores of the Atlantic to the deserts of the Middle East to the snowy-tundra of the Russian nation, physical strength and masculinity go hand-in-hand across the globe.  Nearly all cultures, all peoples, and all nations recognize the masculinity that is a man’s physical strength, with bodybuilding and strength competitions being popular pastimes for many cultures.

Although modern men are more in-tune with their emotional and mental strength, there still remains a need for physical strength as a characteristic of masculinity.  The male sex tends to be the stronger, faster, and more muscular sex.  Whether it’s about physical combat, strength competitions, or simply overpowering an opponent, men and masculinity are known for, and intertwined with, strength and physical power.

What are the Characteristics of Masculinity?


A main component and characteristic of masculinity is sexuality.  Men, as a generalization, are the more sexual sex.  From reports of men thinking about sex every 7-seconds to pop culture jokes and generalizations about men only committing to tasks and obligations with a sexual reward or favor at the end.

While it may be true that sex is a main component, and thought, of many men, when it comes to sexuality as a masculine characteristic, the underlying, philosophical understanding is that the masculine trait craves the hunt and has a biological, evolutionary instinct to “lay their seed.”  While we are neither biologists nor philosophers, we tend to agree that a main characteristic of masculinity is, in fact, sexuality.

Courage and Bravery

“Adversity toughens manhood, and the characteristic of the good or the great man is not that he has been exempt from the evils of life, but that he has surmounted them.”

As physical strength is a main characteristic of masculinity, it would only make sense that courage and bravery would be included as additional characteristics.  It takes courage and bravery to stand up and defend your family against natural predators and it would only make sense that the more physically built sex takes on that role.

In today’s society, we don’t have to face as many natural predators and don’t fear the presence of unknown threats.  From our domesticated pets to the general safety of our environments, the characteristic of both courage and bravery have been redefined.

Now, rather than needing the bravery and courage to face environmental predators, men should have both characteristics in order to stand up and fight for their families.  Whether it’s a dispute in the supermarket or the strength to stand-up to a bully, men are typically looked towards to stand-up against aggressors across the globe.

What are the Characteristics of Masculinity?

Knowledge and Intellect

“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.”

Men are typically seen as the less emotional sex.  They tend to react based off logic and their own reasoning.  And while this is a generalization, and while this is not to say that reacting based off logic is necessarily preferable, it is a characteristic of masculinity as a whole.

Men are expected to utilize their intellect and their knowledge to overcome problems and barriers.  They are thought of as the sex which utilizes all given information to tackle and issue and tends to push away emotion and emotionally charged feelings to take on a challenge.


Masculinity, in its essence, is defined by superiority.  It is the capability of completing a task, issue, or problem better than another and doing so faster and quicker.  However, within the aspect of superiority is the understanding of empathy.  While men vie for superiority, both physically and intellectually, a true man acts with grace and honor even in strength.

Superiority does not only mean being physically stronger than another.  Rather, superiority can take the form of kindness, wealth, knowledge, or ability.  Whatever form of superiority to another you may have, a true man never berates nor puts-down another and is gracious in strength and in defeat.

What are the Characteristics of Masculinity?

Honor and Honorable

A true man, and one of the greatest characteristics of masculinity, is honor and being honorable.  While the definition of honor can be difficult to pinpoint, generally it is assumed to be respectful and helpful.  An honorable man is one who is caring, respectful, and righteous, even in the face of no adversity.  An honorable man acts with grace and in a manner that is respectable, no matter the circumstance.

A Sense of Adventure

Another common characteristic of masculinity is the innate sense of adventure that so many men feel.  Whether it be a spontaneous getaway, a late-night drive to nowhere, or an overnight hike, masculinity is often tied to a sense of travel and adventure.  These adventures need not be to the level of The Odyssey, but they are an important aspect of any adult males’ life.

A Sense of Duty

As men, a sense of duty is a common trait and characteristic. Whether to God, family, or country, men often feel a sense of duty to protect and defend those institutions, many times with their own lives. Historically, men have been the ones to go to war and the ones to defend against outside enemies and that sense of duty continues to be present amongst the modern man.


The characteristics of masculinity are always changing.  However, there are some characteristics which have remained since centuries past.  As a man, it is important to understand these characteristics and to take thee good from each for your own self-growth.