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How to Keep Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat

How to Keep Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat

How to Keep Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat

For many of us living and residing in warmer climates, playing basketball, particularly during the summer months, can prove to be quite a challenge.  With the temperature typically hovering around 90-degrees Fahrenheit, the added fatigue and exhaustion that comes from playing with the sun beaming against your back can make the game even more difficult.

That is why, below, we are going to discuss and review how to keep cool while playing basketball in the heat and during the summer months.  This guide is meant to help you not only stay cool and comfortable while playing in the heat but will also provide practical and actionable advice on how to keep yourself safe and hydrated against the extreme heat.

Lastly, please note, we here at Ball Are Life are not licensed medical professionals nor do we claim to be.  Be sure to consult with your doctor or a licensed medical professional before playing basketball in the heat.  In addition, if you feel yourself feeling fatigued, tired, dizzy, or dehydrated, be sure to stop play and get medical attention immediately.

How to Keep Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat

Why is it Important to Keep Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat?

As compared to playing basketball in the cold, and donning additional layers and gloves, playing basketball in the heat and during the warmer months can prove to be a bit more difficult.  Although it is wise to wear less layers and more open clothing, playing in the heat can be detrimental to your health.  

For starters, playing basketball in the heat can place extra stress on your body and this stress can put you at an increased risk for serious injury.  With both the exercise and the added heat and humidity raising your body’s core temperature. 

Typically, in response to this increased core temperature, your body will begin to sweat, in an attempt to neutralize your increased core temperature.  However, these mechanisms may fail under extreme heat, leading to an increased risk of illness and injury.

These heat related illnesses occur along a spectrum and start out mild but can worsen and become life-threatening if not treated.  Typically, the symptoms will begin with heat cramps, which are painful muscle contractions that can occur with exercise.  If left untreated, you may begin to feel heat syncope or an exercise-associated collapse.

Similarly, an exercise-associated collapse may lead to even further issues, including heat exhaustion.  With heat exhaustion, your body temperature can rise to as high as 104-degrees Fahrenheit and you may experience nausea, vomiting, weakness, headaches, fainting, sweating and cold, clammy skin.

Again, if left untreated, heat exhaustion can morph to a heatstroke.  A heatstroke is a life-threatening emergency condition that can occur when your body’s temperature is greater than 104-degrees Fahrenheit.  A heatstroke is an extremely dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention and left untreated can lead to brain damage, organ failure, or even death.

How to Keep Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat

What Are the Warning Signs of a Heat Related Illness?

As always, it is best to understand the warning signs before beginning play outside and during the heat.  This is especially true with heat related illnesses, which can occur quickly and can cause permanent damage if left untreated.

Typical signs and symptoms of a heat related illness can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Low blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Visual problems

It is important to understand these symptoms and to ensure that you lower your body’s core temperature if you begin to feel any of these conditions.  If you do feel any of these conditions, immediately stop playing basketball and get out of the heat.  It is also important to keep yourself properly hydrated by drinking a cold bottle of water or a sports drink.

In addition, if any of these feelings or illnesses persist or progress, seek immediate medical attention.  There is nothing to be embarrassed about here.  Your health and safety are more important than any basketball game.

How to Keep Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat

Keeping Cool While Playing Basketball in the Heat

Although there will always be a risk of heat-related illness while playing basketball during the hotter months, there are steps you can take to minimize those risks.  By minimizing those risks, you will not only be able to keep yourself safer but also more able to perform at your peak on the court.

  • Drink Copious Amounts of Fluids – firstly, one of the best ways to mitigate any heat-related illnesses while playing basketball outdoors and in the heat is to drink copious amounts of fluids.  However, not all fluids are equal here.  Admittedly, the best fluid to drink is water.  However, you can also opt for a cold sports drink such-as Gatorade, Powerade, or Body Armour.
    • Quick Tip – while playing basketball in the heat, it is best to drink copious amounts of water and sports drinks.  We personally recommend investing in an insulated water bottle to keep your fluids cold throughout the day.  Personally, we have and really like the 24-ounce Hydro Flask, which is available on Amazon in a slew of colors and designs.  Similarly, for especially hotter days, we  like to utilize a portable, discreet cooler to house our sports drinks, keeping them cool and refreshing, no matter the temperature outside.
  • Wear More Breathable Fabric – it’s no surprise that some materials and fabrics work better for cooler weather while others work better for warmer weather.  And if you’re planning on playing basketball outside and in the heat, then it’s best to wear more breathable fabric materials.  We personally recommend Nike’s dri-FIT collection, which utilizes advanced technologies to keep you cool and dry while playing in the heat.  For shorts, we go with the Nike Men’s Dry Training Shorts and wear the Nike Men’s Legend Short Sleeve Tee up top.
  • Get Acclimated Before You Start – before you jump into your next game, be sure to get acclimated to the outside weather.  Run a quick lap and take some warmup shots beforehand.  In addition, be sure to complete a few stretches and get your body ready for the game.
  • Utilize the Shade – during any off time or inactive play, be sure to find and situate yourself in some shade.  Whether underneath a tree or a pergola, resting beneath the shade, even briefly and momentarily, will better help you to cool down and lower your body’s core temperature.
  • Avoid the Midday Sun – we’ve previously discussed the best times to play basketball outside and discussed how avoiding the midday sun and heat is ideal to avoid illness and heat-related injuries.  And to reiterate that point, you should look to avoid playing basketball midday, particularly on hotter days, as the sun will be beaming directly overhead, increasing the probability of a heat-related injury or illness.
  • Wear Sunscreen – sunburn can significantly decrease your body’s ability to cool itself and also significantly increases your risk of skin cancer.  That’s why we always recommend utilizing an adequate amount of sunscreen before and during play outside.  Personally, we utilize the Blue Lizard Sunscreen, which can be easily sprayed on and is both sweat and water resistant.
  • Bring Icepacks and Wet Towels – another great option to help you keep cool while playing basketball in the heat is to bring along icepacks and wet, damp towels with you to the court.  When you are not playing, place the icepacks on your forehead, arms, legs, and chest to help your body cool down.  Similarly, wrap the moist towel over your face and neck to lower your body’s core temperature.
  • Utilize Available Water Sources – if you are playing at a park and are near a bathroom, be sure to take a few minutes to rinse yourself off after a game.  You should wash your face, head, arms, and chest with cool water, helping your body to significantly cool down after a game.