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When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?

When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?

When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?

For many of us, finding time to both practice and play basketball can be difficult.  However, as we begin to enter the colder, darker, wetter months of the year, finding time to play basketball outside can be even more difficult.  That is why, below, we are going to discuss and review just when are the best times to play basketball outside.

We will not only consider both the outdoor heat and cold but will look to other variables which may affect your ability to play basketball outdoors.  This includes being considerate to nearby neighbors and family indoors and being able to play after-hours when the sun sets.

When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?

The Best Times to Play Basketball

Before we discuss the nuances regarding the best times to play basketball and the considerations that should be made before play, we’re going to discuss the best times to play.  In our opinion, the absolute best times to play basketball are divvied up below by day of the week and whether you will be practicing and playing alone or with a group of friends.

AloneWith Friends
Sunday7:00-11:00 AM and 12:00-2:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM12:00-3:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM
Monday7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM5:00-8:00 PM
Tuesday7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM5:00-8:00 PM
Wednesday7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM5:00-8:00 PM
Thursday7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM5:00-8:00 PM
Friday7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-9:00 PM5:00-8:00 PM
Saturday7:00-11:00 AM and 12:00-2:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM12:00-3:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM

As you can see from the above chart, the best times to play basketball during the week generally occur before most of us have to head off to either work or school. Finding time to play basketball between either work or school can be difficult, but if you wake up a bit earlier, you will be able to get in a quick practice session.

When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?

Similarly, when it comes to the best times to play basketball, we tend to believe that the hour immediately after work and school are finished tend to be the best times to get in a quick session. As you are more likely to already be out of the house, it is easier to jump to a local court or your own backyard and practice a few shots.

In addition, when it comes to the best times to play basketball outside, the hours change slightly during the weekend. Generally, most of us have more time on the weekends to devote to hobbies and leisure. As such, we’ve elongated the possible playing hours throughout the weekends.

Within the above graph, we also divvied up the times based on whether you are looking to play basketball outside alone or with friends. When it comes to playing basketball outside with friends, you are more likely to find friends willing and able to play after school and work hours.

Generally, most friends will not be too keen on waking up early and heading over to an outdoor court to play basketball before either school or work. However, most friends and colleagues are usually willing to meet after-hours to play a quick game or practice with one-another.

When Are the Best Times to Play a Pick-Up Game?

While discussing the best times to play basketball outside, it is also important to consider what are some of the best times to play a game of pick-up basketball. Pick-up basketball games are generally played outdoors and on a hard, asphalt or concrete ground.

And while pick-up basketball games tend to be a bit more rough than a regulation game, they are a great way to get in a quick game, meet other players in your area, and generally practice your shot and defensive skills.

Generally, the best time to play a game of pick-up basketball is immediately after work or school ends during the week. Most outdoor basketball courts will have players congregate around 5:00 PM and most players will remain on the court until around 8:00 PM.

When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?

However, those hours change considerably during the weekend. On the weekends, many outdoor basketball courts are packed around noon and remain so for a few hours. While not a concrete rule, many players will leave after a couple of hours to complete errands or grab something to eat.

After running errands or grabbing a quick bite, many players will return to the court, generally around 5:00 PM. However, during the weekend, most players will remain on the court past 8:00 PM, typically staying for an additional hour or when it is too dark or cold outside to continue playing.

Considerations to Make Before Playing Basketball Outside

While you may feel tempted to begin a game or simple shoot around early in the morning or late at night, it is generally considered inconsiderate to play basketball outside during those times.

The simple reason it is considered inconsiderate to play basketball early in the morning or late at night is due to the fact that basketball is a relatively loud sport.

Unlike going for a run or even performing a Tabata or HIIT workout, playing basketball creates a lot of noise. This noise is generated both when you dribble the basketball and when you. shoot the ball at the rim.

If you have neighbors who live nearby or family members indoors, playing basketball outside early in the morning or late at night can create a lot of noise and can wake up or disturb those individuals trying to sleep.

When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?

In addition to being inconsiderate to both neighbors and family members indoors, playing basketball outside late at night can be dangerous. Due to the decreased visibility at night, you are more likely to trip and fall while playing, potentially injuring yourself.

Lastly, playing basketball outside at night is a bit impractical. While you could turn on a nearby light, you will likely have little visibility and will not be able to practice or shoot around as effectively as you can when there is more sufficient lighting.

Final Thoughts

Overall, finding the best times to play basketball outside really comes down to personal preference. There are many hours throughout the day when playing basketball outside is not only practical but also fun and can be done with other players.

Lastly, if you are looking to play basketball outside and with a group of other players, generally most ardent players are available to play later in the evening, once both work and school have completed.

Most players generally congregate on the court around 5:00 PM during the weekdays. Simply heading over to your local park will allow you to join a pick-up game and play for a few hours.

Similarly, if you are looking to play basketball outside and with other players on the weekend, your time slots to do so are even greater. Many players congregate on the courts around noon on the weekends and games generally continue throughout the day and late into the night.