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Best Baseball YouTube Channels to Follow Today

Best Baseball YouTube Channels to Follow Today

Best Baseball YouTube Channels to Follow Today

As baseball season is now upon us, more and more fans are beginning to tune into the games.  And with a 162-game regular season, there are more than enough baseball games to satisfy even the most ardent of all baseball fans.  But with baseball being a highly analytical game, there may be certain plays, maneuvers, and substitutions which you may not have caught.

And that’s where YouTube comes in. YouTube is, by-far, one of the best sources for information and has a slew of baseball specific channels which review the latest games, players, and plays. 

Below, we are going to discuss the best baseball YouTube channels to follow today.  These channels not only review the latest highlights but also do a deep dive into the specific analytics and maneuvers being made in the MLB.

Interested in NBA content on YouTube? Be sure to check out our review of the best basketball YouTube channels.


The official MLB account on YouTube should be your first stop when looking for baseball and MLB specific content on YouTube. With over 3.48 million followers, the channel is regularly updated and showcases the latest and greatest highlights from the day’s games.

Giraffe Neck Marc

Giraffe Neck Marc is one of the best baseball specific YouTube channels. A channel that focuses exclusively on baseball, Marc discusses the news, rumors, and rankings of the best players and jerseys in the game. Filled with personality and humor, Giraffe Neck Marc is a must follow.

Pastime Athletics

Pastime Athletics isn’t one of the most popular baseball channels on YouTube but if you are looking for specific mechanics and tools to become a better baseball player, then you should definitely follow this channel.

Pastime Athletics provides quality slow motion videos of baseball pitchers and hitters to educate and teach students of the game how to better their game. Extremely informative, this channel is a diamond in the rough.

Home Run Productions

A relatively newer entrant into the world of YouTube baseball, Home Run Productions produces high-quality, informative, and entertaining baseball and MLB content. The channel features rankings, analysis, predictions, mini-documentaries, news, stats and more to any fan of the game.

Foolish Baseball

We would be remiss to not include Foolish Baseball to the list of the best baseball YouTube channels. With nearly a decade in productions, Foolish Baseball has over 245k followers on the platform.

Reminiscent of JxmyHighroller’s content on YouTube, the channel is extremely informative and provides a ton of opinions and food for thought. Definitely a must follow for anyone looking for deeper content and not just superficial one’s.

Stark Raving Sports

Similar to Foolish Baseball and Giraffe Neck Marc, Stark Raving Sports provides deep dive analysis of the MLB and its current players and team’s. Done so in both an informative and humorous manner, the content is easily watchable and one that we’ve spent countless hours scrolling through.

Jolly Olive

Jolly Olive claims to make videos about all sports but the channel primarily focuses on and discusses baseball and the MLB. What we really like with Jolly Olive is his deep dive into specific teams and how certain actions they took affected the entire league. Another great and informative baseball channel on YouTube.

Jomboy Media

Jomboy Media actually discusses a wide-range of sports and provides analysis on specific plays and happenings. But his baseball content is nearly second to none. What we really like about this channel is his ability to break down certain plays and analyze how and what led up to the play occurring. Jomboy Media is extremely knowledgable in nearly all sports, which makes the content that much more entertaining.

Baseball Historian

Okay we’ll admit, we love Baseball Historian and his content. Specifically looking into specific players and their MLB careers, Baseball Historian discusses how certain players succeeded or failed in the league and what actions, or inactions, led to their career trajectories.

In addition, the graphics and footage used by Baseball Historian are always top-notch and professional, making the entire channel all the easier to watch and enjoy.