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5 Tips for Playing Basketball in the Snow

5 Tips for Playing Basketball in the Snow

5 Tips for Playing Basketball in the Snow

While, ideally, you will want to play a game of basketball during the warmer months and weather, there are certain regions and climates where this isn’t possible for months on end.  And whether you live in one of those regions or are simple experiencing a chance snowstorm, there are still plenty of ways to get in a quick game, even with snow on the ground.

Below, we are going to review and discuss the top 5 tips for playing basketball in the snow.  These tips and tricks should help you to endure the elements and get in a couple of games before heading back inside for a warm cup of hot chocolate.

However, please note, the below tips on playing basketball in the snow and during snowy weather are simple guidelines.  Always take your health and safety into mind and don’t play if the surface is too slippery or your begin to feel the effects of hypothermia.  As always, your health and safety should be the number one concern and you should never risk injury or sickness for a game.

Why Would You Want to Play Basketball in the Snow?

While, admittedly, playing basketball in warmer, sunnier weather is vastly more fun and enjoyable, there may be some instances where playing basketball in the snow is necessary.  For some, particularly those living in colder regions and climates, the snowy months may last months on end.  For those individuals, it can be especially difficult to avoid playing basketball in the snow.

Similarly, for some athletes, playing basketball in the snow may just be a new, unique twist to the game.  Particularly true for basketball players who are accustomed to playing in warmer weather, playing in the snow can be a new challenge and one they may be interested in overcoming.

And lastly, playing in the snow may be a great way to practice and develop your basketball habits.  The snow will provide particularly rough conditions, which you won’t find in the gym or during a regulation game.  By playing in the snow, and a challenging, different condition, you can develop better basketball habits and skills.

How to Keep Warm While Playing Basketball in the Snow

We’ve previously discussed the best ways to keep warm while playing basketball in colder weather.  And while many of those same pieces of advice stand true for playing in the snow, it is important to review them here for our current audience.

When it comes to keeping warm while playing basketball in the cold, it is important to divide and identify the areas of your body which will require additional warmth.  To put it simply, you will likely need to keep your head and face, arms and hands, upper torso, legs, and feet warm. 

While that may, admittedly, appear to be all parts of your body, by dividing and identifying each specific portion of your body to keep warm you can better tackle each portion individually.  Below we are going to review each body part and identify the best ways to keep them warm while playing basketball outdoors and in the cold.

  • Head and Face – Admittedly, keeping your head and face warm while playing basketball is one of the easier tasks.  There are a plethora of head and face masks which provide protection from the snow.  These head and face masks, similar to the ones worn by skiers, wrap around your entire head and provide ample protection against the cold.  Personally, we’ve used and recommend the Tough Headwear Neck Hoodie.  This hoodie like accessory wraps neatly, comfortably, and snugly around your entire face, providing warmth for your head, ears, and neck.  In addition, the hoodie can be lifted or removed to cover your nose and mouth.
  • Arms and Hands –   A bit more difficult of an area to cover against the snow are your arms and hands.  You don’t want to cover your hands with ill-fitted gloves, which can hamper your ability to handle the basketball.  For your hands we recommend opting for the Adidas Unisex-Adult Gloves.  These gloves are a bit thinner and while they won’t provide the best coverage for your hands, they will provide sufficient amount of coverage while not diminishing your handling or shooting of the basketball.
  • Upper Torso – Your upper torso, chest, and stomach areas are likely to get cold while playing basketball in the snow.  To help keep warm, we recommend layering above-all-else.  Wearing multiple layers, particularly with dry-fit or athletic shirts will keep you warmer and more comfortable during play. 
  • Legs and Feet – Similar to protecting your upper torso, when it comes to protecting your legs and keeping them warm while playing in the snow, your best bet is to simply wear joggers or athletic pants.  Many of these pants have wool lining, which can help to keep your legs warm.  However, again, we know that a lot of basketball players don’t particularly enjoy playing in pants.  If you choose to play in shorts, you can invest in compression leg sleeves.  While leg sleeves aren’t made for warmth intake, they can double as protective layers to keep your legs warm.

Layer Up, Layer Up, Layer Up

Our top tip for playing basketball in the snow is to always layer up.  Layering up includes wearing multiple layers of shirts, pants, and socks.  In doing so, you will be able to ensure that warm air is trapped between the layers, acting as an insulator and keeping you warmer for longer.

By not layering, you risk allowing the warm air from your body to escape, allowing the colder air from the snow to enter.  As such, if you are planning on playing in the snow, be sure to layer in multiple areas across your body and to do so with material that provides added insulation.

However, layering your clothes is a three-part process.  You will want to start with a base layer.  This is a layer that will sit directly on your skin and will help to both regulate body temperature and wick away moisture and sweat from your skin.

Secondly, you will want to wear a mid-layer.  The mid-layer will direct any body heat that your initial layer didn’t retain and will help stop cold air from passing to your body.  Preferably a good mid-layer will be both breathable and have moisture wicking properties.

Lastly, you will want an outer layer.  The main purpose of the outer layer is to protect you from both the wind and the snow.  Outer layers should. Be both waterproof and breathable.  However, as you will be playing basketball, you don’t want to choose an outer layer that is too bulky and that will hinder your play.

Wear Proper Shoes

When playing basketball in the snow, you will want to choose proper shoes to play in.  Whereas you may opt for cheaper shoes for pick-up games in sunny weather, you should be sure to invest in proper basketball shoes for playing in the snow.

Ideally, these shoes should offer superior grip and handling on the court.  If your shoes don’t offer proper grip on the snowy surface, you risk falls and injury, both of which could have been prevented. 

For some of the best grip basketball shoes, we actually wear the Adidas Men’s d-Rose 773 lii’s.  These are some of the best basketball shoes from Adidas and will provide superior grip on both the base of the shoe and the ankle.  In addition, the shoe is a high-top, meaning it will provide you with just a bit more warmth for your play.

If you aren’t looking to purchase a new pair of basketball shoes at the moment, then consider investing in some galoshes.  While galoshes have lost some style in recent years, they are a great way to keep your shoes protected from both the rain and snow and can provide some added grip and traction while on the court.

Remove Any Snow from the Court

While seemingly obvious, it is important to note.  Before beginning play on any hard surface, including concrete and asphalt, be sure to remove any leftover snow and ice from the court.  Any remaining patches of snow or ice on the court could lead to a slip-and-fall and a potential injury.

Ideally, you should use a shovel to remove any snow and ice left on the court but can also do so with your hands, simply tossing it over to the side.  Once removed, you may also want to consider placing rock salt on the court to help de-ice the area.

Consider Investing in an Outdoor Heater

Particularly useful if you live in a colder region or a climate that gets a ton of snow, an outdoor heater is a great way to keep warm and keep the immediate area in front of the heater warm.  Many outdoor heaters are portable and can be run via a battery.

While we currently live in Atlanta, we previously lived in both New York and New Jersey and would frequently use the Mr. Heater MH9BX.  A propane powered outdoor and indoor heater; the Mr. Heater provided sufficient heating for up to 225 square feet of space.  And while you may not feel it while playing on the court, it is a great option in-between games.

Take Frequent Breaks

While playing basketball outside and in the snow, it is important to ensure that your body’s internal temperature doesn’t fall to a precipitously low level.  Due to the effect of hypothermia, exposing your body to low temperatures for a prolonged period of time can have detrimental health effects.

As such, be sure to take frequent breaks and to catch your breath between games.  Ideally, if you can find cover from the snow and enter into a building, you should do so.  Not only will you feel better, but you will also feel a bit more energized and ready for the next game.