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Why Don’t Gyms List Their Prices?

Why Don’t Gyms List Their Prices?

Why Don’t Gyms List Their Prices?

Whether it’s the beginning of the new year or you’re simply looking to get a bit healthier, joining the gym is almost always a great option.

And while there are a plethora of workouts and lifestyle changes you can complete at home and without a gym membership, joining a gym can help provide you that extra motivation needed to see success.

And although joining a gym can be somewhat intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. The gym is meant to be a safe-zone and establishment, where individuals of all walks of life can congregate for overall better health.

But one issue with joining a gym, perhaps above-all-else, is the price. And while most gyms fall within the $30 a month price range, there are some gyms which are significantly more expensive per month.

And whether you’re looking to join a more affordable gym or a more expensive one, just why don’t gyms list out their monthly prices on their websites?

Below, we are going to review why gyms don’t list their prices and what steps you can take to find out the monthly price of a gym membership, without even stepping foot in the gym establishment.

How Much Does a Gym Membership Cost?

While the cost of a gym membership in the United States can vary widely, there are average prices for gyms across the board. And with each respective gym looking to accommodate differing gym goers, the prices are generally discerned based on who the gym is looking to attract to their facility.

That is, more high-end, upscale gyms which cater to more affluent patrons will, naturally, cost more on a monthly basis. Similarly, less upscale and more affordable gyms, that is those looking to attract more volume and memberships, will cost less on a monthly basis.

Below, we are going to review some of the most popular gyms in America and see just how much you can expect to pay on a monthly basis.

  • LA Fitness – LA Fitness is one of the most popular gyms in America. Founded in 1984, LA Fitness provides a blend of convenience, affordability, and amenities within their spacious facilities. Typically, LA Fitness charges patrons between $30-$35 per month.
  • 24 Hour Fitness – 24 Hour Fitness, as the name so aptly suggests, is open 24-hours a day. Relatively affordable and extremely convenient for the busy patron, 24 Hour Fitness has the modern gym luxuries one would expect. However, their showrooms are a bit smaller than other gyms. Expect to pay between $55-$60 per month for access to the gym.
  • Planet Fitness – Planet Fitness is a relatively newer entrant into the world of fitness but has taken the industry by storm. A business model which focuses on volume, comfort, and the removal of intimidating factors, Planet Fitness has become one of the more popular options for newer gym goers. Priced at just $10 per month, Planet Fitness is also one of the cheapest gym options.
  • Gold’s Gym – the original bodybuilders gym, Gold’s Gym is stacked with a variety of free weights and gym machines to help you reach your fitness goals. Famed for its most popular patron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gold’s Gym has developed a reputation as a bodybuilders haven. Priced at $52 per month, Gold’s Gym is one of the best gyms in the country and has ample locations throughout the contiguous United States.
  • Lifetime Fitness – Lifetime Fitness is one of the most exclusive and expensive gyms. Filled with the latest and greatest equipments, Lifetime Fitness locations are typically spacious and offer indoor and outdoor pools and full-sized basketball courts. Priced at $99 per month for an individual membership, Lifetime Fitness is one of the pricer gym options.
  • Equinox – another exclusive and expensive gym option is Equinox. Equinox looks to serve a higher-end clientele, featuring some of the best gym equipment and classes, Equinox’s are typically placed in major regional hubs such as New York City and Chicago. With memberships starting at $285 per month for access to a number of gyms, the membership price rises to $325 per month for access to all Equinox locations.

Benefits of Joining a Gym

While there are definitely a slew of options available for someone looking to join a gym, doing so, particularly in the beginning of your fitness journey, can be intimidating.

However, the benefits far outweigh the negatives when it comes to joining a gym.

In addition to the fitness aspects, joining a gym provides you with additional socialization benefits, with many gym goers developing friendships with other patrons.

Similarly, by joining a gym and working out, you will be able to relieve stress levels and help to release endorphins, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good and can help to improve your mood.

And lastly, joining a gym and committing to a gym and fitness routine can actually help you to sleep better. According to a plethora of studies, regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster, fight insomnia, and help you get deep, restorative sleep.

Reasons Gyms Don’t List Their Prices

While the benefits of joining a gym and committing to a healthier lifestyle are well-known, many newer and veteran gym goers may find themselves frustrated with the lack of available information regarding the price tag of joining a gym.

So, just why don’t gyms list out their prices?

And the reason, perhaps quite obviously, is due to fear.

That is, gyms, particularly more expensive, high-end ones, are fearful that a potential member may be shocked by the potential price tag. By not listing their prices and encouraging potential members to visit the location, gyms are better able to convince a potential member to join the gym.

And with gyms making the majority of their money off of monthly membership fees, the more members who join, the more profitable a gym location may be.

As such, gyms will go to great lengths to obfuscate the true cost of their membership and will encourage potential members to visit the location, where a trained sales professional will be better able to encourage a sign-up.

Can I Attend a Gym for Free?

Unfortunately, as a long-term solution, you won’t be able to join or patron a gym for free. However, there are a few options for the more cost-conscious consumer to help avoid the monthly fee.

Firstly, definitely utilize a gym’s free trial offer. The free trial offer, typically for one visit or for a week’s visit, will allow you to trial the gym and its facilities, allowing you to make a more informed decision before signing on the dotted line.

Secondly, if you are looking for a discount on the monthly cost, be sure to sign-up for a gym membership at certain times throughout the year. Most notable, the beginning of the new year and national holiday’s are when most gyms run national promotions to get additional sign-ups.

And lastly, just ask. While most gyms won’t advertise their lower rates, you may be able to negotiate the price of a gym membership by speaking to a sales professional at the gym, who may be able to save you a few dollars off of the monthly price.