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How to Keep Your Dog Cool at the Lake

How to Keep Your Dog Cool at the Lake

There is, perhaps, nothing quite like sitting at a serene lake with good food, good friends, and good drink.  But that experience can be enhanced by brining your dog along.  If you want to bring your four-legged best friend with you to the lake, here is a quick guide on how to keep your dog cool at the lake.

And, contrary to popular belief, dogs can in fact be quite affected by the heat and are prone to hyperthermia.  This is particularly true in the spring when temperatures fluctuate drastically throughout the day but can also be true during the summer months when the temperature is quite hot.

And this is contrary to hypothermia, in which a dog’s body temperature reaches too low of a level.  Looking on ways to keep your dog warm?  We’ve got you covered on how to keep your dog warm while camping.

What Are the Symptoms of Hyperthermia in Dogs?

As man’s best friend, you should always be on the lookout for hyperthermia in your little one.  Hyperthermia in dogs is defined as a temperature greater than 103.5 degrees in Fahrenheit or 39.7 degrees Celsius.  And contrary to a fever, hyperthermia is typically due to an elevated body temperature from outside sources.

There are a number of factors which can cause hyperthermia in dogs.  This can include:

  • An inability to pant efficiently
  • Obesity
  • Airway problems
  • Inappropriate or excessive exercise
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Exposure to foods harmful to dogs
  • Certain drugs and medications

In addition, there are a number of telltale signs which can indicate that your dog is feeling the effects of hyperthermia, including:

  • Heavy or excessive panting
  • Red and dark gums
  • Being warm to the touch
  • Excessive drooling
  • Racing heart rate
  • Flushed or red skin
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Black tarry stool
  • Collapsing
  • Coma
  • Death

If you suspect that your dog has any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical help for your pup as quickly as possible.  However, there are steps that you can take to help cool your dog off.  This includes measures which can cool your dog off, such-as placing them in a cooled car or home, providing them with iced water, and stopping any difficult or strenuous exercises.

7 Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool at the Lake

Have an Abundance of Fresh, Cold Water

The absolute best way to keep your dog cool at the lake is to have an abundance of fresh, cold water on hand for them.  Like humans, dogs need water to survive and like humans, dogs need a certain amount of water per day to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Typically, dogs will need an ounce of water per bodyweight on a daily basis.  However, if you are taking your dog with you to a lake on a hot day, expect to double this amount.

This means that for a medium-sized dog weighing in at 50-pounds, you should bring just under 2-gallons of water for them to consume.

Personally, we absolutely love the portable dog water bottle.  This water bottle has a small bowl at the end of the bottle which acts as a reservoir for holding water in an easily accessible manner for dogs to drink out of quickly.  There are a plethora of similarly designed bottles online but they all function in similar manners.

Play in the Water

Perhaps there is no easier way to keep your dog, and yourself, cool at the lake then to simply take a dip in the water.  A wet dog is, after all, a cool dog.  And on warm days, the water in the lake may be noticeably cooler, allowing both you and your dog to get some much-needed reprieve from the heat.

Feed Them Pieces of Ice from the Cooler

Another great way to keep your dog cool while at the lake is to feed them pieces of ice from the cooler.  Ice is a great treat for dogs and a great way to help them get their minimum daily water intake.  In addition, if you give your dog larger pieces of ice, they’ll enjoy the treat for even longer!

Sit in an Air-Conditioned Car

If you feel like your dog is getting a bit too warm, a great option is to sit in your car with the air-condition turned on.  The cooler temperature in the car will help your dog cool down from the warmer temperature outside and be more prepared to trek back outside for more fun.

However, if you do go this route, be sure to turn your car on and turn on the air-condition.  Sitting in an idle car can be dangerous to both you and your dog’s health and could potentially be life-threatening.

Setup an Umbrella

If you’re visiting a lake with little to no natural shade, then consider bringing along an umbrella which can be mounted directly into the ground.  Doing so will offer a bit of reprieve for both you and your dog from the sun and will help to cool you both down.

Offer Your Dog Frozen Treats

Frozen dog treats are a great option to help your dog remain cool while at the lake on a warm day.  There are a number of treats available online for purchase which can be frozen and given to your dog to help cool them off.  Just be sure to keep those treats cool and frozen during your trip by keeping them in a cooler filled with ice.

Personally, our dog Winnie loves the Purina Frosty Paws Treats.  These treats are jam-packed with high-quality protein and vitamins and minerals and contain no added sugars or artificial flavors or colors.  In addition, these treats are ready to give, simply peel back the lid and feed!

Use a Dog Cooling Vest

Dog cooling vests are a newer product and have helped countless dogs remain cool in warmer weather and climates.  These vests work by protecting your four-legged friend from the sun’s rays and providing evaporative cooling to help them stay cool for longer.

We’ve actually used the Ruffwear Cooling Vest and have found that it works wonders in keeping our dog cool on hotter days.  To activate, simply soak the vest in water, wring out the excess water and place on your dog.  The light-colored fabric acts to reflect solar radiation, while evaporative cooling removes heat from your pup.