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Biggest Benefits Gained by Doing Yoga for Basketball Players

Biggest Benefits Gained by Doing Yoga for Basketball Players

Biggest Benefits Gained by Doing Yoga for Basketball Players

As a basketball player, you are probably always looking for new, interesting, and unique ways to increase your basketball game and strength and conditioning. 

And while it seems that every day a new product, device, or mechanism is introduced promising to help with training and recovery, few, if any, hold true to those promises.

But there is one thing that has helped basketball players and countless other athletes with their training routines.  And it just so happens that, that routine is nothing other than yoga.

Below, we’re going to review the biggest benefits gained by doing yoga for basketball players.

What is Yoga?

Before we can jump into how yoga will help you on the basketball court, we should identify and explain what yoga really is.  Yoga has gained a popular, cult-like following in the United States, but where does it originate from and what is it?

In simplest terms, yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, deep breathing, and concentration.  A regular yoga practice should, ideally, promote endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility, and well-being.

Yoga, surprisingly to many, can be traced back nearly 5,000 years.  In fact, the first mention of the word yoga appears in Rig Veda, which is a collection of ancient texts.

The word yoga is actually derived from the Sanskrit word, “yuj”, which essentially means, “union” or “to join”.

Within yoga, the overarching philosophy is about connecting the mind, body, and spirit.  This philosophy is echoed in all yoga branches, of which there are six.  And although each branch has a separate, unique focus, the underlying philosophy remains the same.

What Are the Six Branches of Yoga?

  • Hatha Yoga – Hatha yoga is the branch that aims to prime the body and mind.  The Hatha yoga branch is the physical and mental branch.
  • Raja Yoga – Raja yoga involves meditation and a strict adherence to disciplinary steps.
  • Karma Yoga – Karma yoga is a form of yoga that aims to create a future free from negativity.
  • Bhakti Yoga – Bhakti yoga aims to establish a path of devotion.
  • Jnana Yoga – this branch of yoga focuses on wisdom, joining the path of scholars, and developing superior understanding through study.
  • Tantra Yoga – Tantra yoga is the pathway for rituals and ceremonies in yoga.

What Are Chakras?

As you begin your yoga journey, you will hear the word chakra repeated over and over again.  You may begin to wonder, what is a chakra?

A chakra, literally means, “spinning wheel”.  And teachers of yoga believe that when energy becomes blocked in a chakra, it can trigger physical, mental, or emotional pain.

In yoga, chakras are center points.  They are the points where energy, thoughts, feelings, and the physical body all coalesce.  And, according to yoga teachers, chakras play a key determining factor in how people experience reality.

Yoga Helps Basketball Players Play Better Defense

It may seem odd, but yoga is one of the best ways to help learn how to play proper, effective defense on the basketball court.  As yoga helps improve overall flexibility and a relaxation of the joints and muscles, it can be effective in helping you to maintain proper defensive positioning and squatting.

In addition, yoga is a great way to improve mobility in your hips.  With a defender that is quick, agile, and lean, having this added mobility can help you to keep-up with their antics on the court and to ensure they don’t get past you.

Yoga Can Help You Focus on the Game

A main tenant and teaching in yoga is the need for mindfulness and calm in the mind.  These characteristics will not only help you to focus during a yoga session but can also be applied to a basketball game. 

Whether an opponent is trying to get into your head, or you feel a lack of confidence, with your yoga practice, you can return to a state of mindfulness and ensure full, undivided concentration on the game.  Yoga will teach you how to clear your thoughts, how to remove negativity, and how to focus fully on the task at hand.

Yoga Can Help You Control Your Emotions on the Basketball Court

Another great benefit of yoga for basketball players is the fact that it can help to control your emotions on the court.  Many of us are guilty at getting riled-up, upset, frustrated, and even angry after a call that we didn’t agree with or after a missed shot or a poor defensive execution.

And while our first, instinctive move, may be to yell, scream, and clench our fists, that is oftentimes the wrong and incorrect reaction.

Rather, with yoga, you will learn how to not only control your emotions, but to also channel them into a proper outlet.  Sure, you can yell, get angry, and wave your fists around, but what will that really do?  Probably nothing.

Rather, channel your energy and focus to the game.  Don’t show your anger or frustration verbally or on your face.  But rather, focus it on the game and come back stronger the next time around.

Yoga Helps Basketball Players Avoid Injury

The NBA legend and great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar once stated, “There is no way I could have played as long as I did without yoga.  As a preventative medicine, it’s unequaled.”

But how does yoga help basketball players avoid injury?

In yoga, there will be poses needed to be performed which lengthens and stretches your muscles.  These muscles, after being lengthened and stretched, are less susceptible to injury, tears, and damage.

Abdul-Jabbar continues, “Once I started, I had no muscle injuries during my career.  Yoga can help any athlete with their hip joints, tendons, and knees.  Plus, it keeps you in touch with your body.”

Famous NBA Players Who Practice Yoga

Although there are a plethora of benefits that can be gained by doing yoga by a basketball player, we all definitely like to see the practice adopted by some of the biggest and most famous NBA stars.  Below is a quick list of NBA players who practice yoga:

  • Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  • Kevin Love
  • Blake Griffin
  • Lebron James
  • Dwayne Wade
  • Kevin Durant
  • Kevin Garnett
  • Dirk Nowitzki

Best Times to do Yoga as a Basketball Player

While everyone is different, ideally you should be incorporating some form of yoga into your workout routine 2-3 times a week.  However, this doesn’t have to be done in a yoga studio.  In fact, there are many apps on the iPhone and Android stores that help guide you through yoga poses and stretches, without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.

However, as a basketball player, you should look to avoid doing yoga too close to a big game.  While the risk of injury is low, it is still a possibility and therefore should be avoided until after the game.