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Best Training Masks for Basketball Players

Best Training Masks for Basketball Players

Best Training Masks for Basketball Players

NBA players are well-known in their pursuit of fitness and physical excellence.  With rigorous, demanding, high-intensity drills, NBA and basketball players are some of the most fit and physically built individuals on the planet.  And although an NBA or basketball players fitness level is typically determined via their arm, leg, and torso strength, an often-overlooked aspect is their respiratory health and muscles.

That is why, in recent years, more-and-more NBA and basketball players have begun coopting training masks into their fitness regimens.  And with elite NBA superstars donning these training masks, we figured it would be beneficial and helpful to discuss the best training masks for basketball players to help you take your game to the next level.

What Are Training Masks?

Training masks, in recent years, have gained popularity amongst athletes in a variety of differing sports.  From basketball players to soccer players to football players, athletes of all stripes have begun to use training masks in an attempt to better their respiratory health.

But what exactly are training masks?

Training masks, or elevation training masks (ETMs), are masks designed to simulate higher altitude conditions to increase the stress the body feels during exercise. 

By increasing the stress on the body, training masks are able to help an individual or athlete increase their physical performance and reach more challenging goals.

Essentially, by wearing a training or elevation mask, you are simply attempting to re-create the conditions of higher altitudes while you are working out.

And while training masks cover your face, similar to surgical masks or an N95 mask, they are markedly different.  Rather, training masks will feature adjustable channels or valve on the front of the mask which restricts the amount of oxygen you receive.

Thus, while wearing the mask, your body begins to adapt to the decreased oxygen intake, making both your heart and lungs work harder and longer.  Then, when the training mask is removed, your body will naturally adapt to the restricted oxygen intake, allowing you to use the oxygen you are receiving in normal conditions more efficiently.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing a Training Mask?

  • Builds lung function – one of the main benefits of wearing a training mask is the improvement to lung function.    By wearing a training mask and reducing the overall level of oxygen you receive to your heart and lungs, you are better able to build lung function and ability.
  • Builds aerobic capacity – training masks are also able to help an individual achieve the maximum level of oxygen intake.  By wearing a training mask, you will train your body to utilize the oxygen received in normal circumstances more efficiently.

What Are the Negatives to Wearing a Training Mask?

While wearing a training mask has some benefit, as with nearly all things, there are some risks and negatives to consider as well.  And while the risks aren’t particularly concerning, they should be taken into account before purchasing one or before beginning use of a training mask.

Perhaps the greatest risks to wearing a training mask are the feelings of lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, discomfort, and even anxiety.  Many users have reported feeling disoriented and have indicated that wearing a training mask can be difficult and uncomfortable.

In addition, a number of weightlifters and athletes have reported feeling less focused and alert while wearing a training mask.  Many theorize that this may be due to the reduced amount of oxygen these athletes receive while training, making it difficult to focus on their training routine.

However, and as always, if you feel or suffer from any of these conditions while wearing a training mask, we highly recommend removing it immediately.  In addition, be sure to speak with your physician or a licensed medical professional before beginning a training routine with a training mask.

Best Training Masks for Basketball

  • SPARTHOS Training Mask – the SPARTHOS Training Mask is one of the best training masks on the marker, if only due to the comfort and ease-of-wear it provides.  With a full-on face mask, comfortably strapped over the mouth and the nose, the training mask has over 16 different breathing levels, allowing you to simulate different altitude training levels with ease.  It’s our personal favorite and a great starting price.
  • Training Masks from The Training Mask Store – we had to try out the training masks from The Training Mask Store, if only for the name of the store itself.  And while we found the mask comfortable and adequate for our training and workout sessions, what really impressed us was the breathability of the masks.  Made with lighter, more durable, moisture wicking materials, the masks don’t seem to accumulate as much water droplets, making them more comfortable overall.
  • The Training Mask Store – Firefighter Edition – we never truly considered the different needs a firefighter would need from a basketball player or an athlete when it comes to their training sessions.  But our friends at The Training Mask Store did and have made a training mask specifically for firefighters and those looking to train in similar, difficult conditions.  And with 5 levels of resistance that can be easily adjusted on the go and while working out, you can easily increase or decrease the resistance to meet your needs.