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Best Books for Politics Students

Best Books for Politics Students

Best Books for Politics Students

Being a politics student means undertaking an honest and earnest attempt to understand political theory and various political systems.  Although many of these systems may seem outdated, antiquated, or just plain incorrect, a true student of the political study will attempt to understand these systems in an attempt to better understand the politics and political systems of the world and country they live in.

Understanding the necessity and need to maintain a comprehensive understanding of all political systems and ideologies, we’ve decided to compile the best books for politics students.  These books are presented without bias or ulterior motive and are simply presented as the best books for politics students to gain a higher understanding of political systems and ideas.


Below we are going to take a look at the best books for politics students which can be purchased on Amazon.  Please note, the product links below include links from an Amazon Associates account.  This means that we at Ball Are Life receive a small commission on any purchases made from those links.  This is at no additional cost to you and helps to keep our site free, honest, and without bias or prejudice.

The Great Political Theories

Where better to start on understanding political theory than The Great Political Theories.  An in-depth and comprehensive guide to a multitude of differing political theories and ideologies, this book will introduce readers to political theories from all spectrums, spanning Greek political ideas to the age of Enlightenment. 

Additional fundamental concepts which are reviewed are the concept of democracy, the Rule of Law, natural rights, justice, sovereignty, citizenship, the State, and separation of Church and State.  This book covers a wide swath of topics in an easy to understand and clear manner and is a perfect book for students and those looking to understand political theory better.

The Republic

Perhaps the most well-known book by the famed philosopher, Plato presents arguments via the Socratic method in The Republic, forcing readers to acknowledge uncomfortable truths about justice.  In the book, Socrates discusses the meaning of justice and whether the just man is truly happier than the unjust one.  This is done by considering different, hypothetical cities in comparison to one-another.  A must read for any student that is serious about politics and the role of justice.

The Prince

A highly contentious work when published, The Prince is Machiavelli’s take on human nature and power structures.  He argues these principles based on realism, not idealism.  In The Prince, Machiavelli discards the traditional, Christian usage of the words virtue and prudence.  Rather, he believed that a good leader’s aim should be to control one’s own fortune, rather than leaving anything for chance.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt served as the chairwoman to the United Nations committee.  She created the declaration of moral conscience, now used by Amnesty International as their founding document.  This edition goes through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an essential topic and document by which much of the current world order operates.

The Social Contract

Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract is one of the classic treatises on political philosophy and espouses stark reforms for its time.  In The Social Contract, Rousseau discusses the conflict behind a society looking to ensure prosperity and health versus one that is interested in the commercial enterprises.  Rousseau himself was famous for arguing for personal and individual liberties and freedoms, making The Social Contract a document which argued for the interest of the individual against the state.

The Communist Manifesto

Perhaps one of the most famous books ever authored, The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx has sparked countless debates since it was first published.  A manifesto which argues against the current state of capital allocation, Marx argues that the means of production should be accessible to the ones toiling in the field.  As Marx writes, “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” and he argues that all modern, capitalist societies will eventually transform to socialist ones.  Ann absolute must read for anyone who is interested in politics and thee history of political thought.