No-one likes a bully. Whether on the playground or the basketball court, bullies remove the fun from an activity and make the sport less enjoyable for all. But what exactly is bully ball and how do you overcome it? While bully ball may conjure up images of an older, bigger player bullying a smaller one, in actuality, the term can be utilized as an actual defensive technique in basketball and may even be utilized by basketball coaches.
Needless to say, bully ball can be frustrating to play against. And that really is the point of it. Bully ball is meant to cause frustration and fatigue on the basketball court. But thankfully, there are a number of ways to overcome bully ball and lead your team to victory.
What is Bully Ball in Basketball?
Bully ball in basketball is a form of play in which a player plays an extremely aggressive style of basketball against their opponents. In bully ball, typically a bigger, taller, stronger player will play a form of aggressive basketball on every play against their opponent.
Bully ball can be utilized as a defensive technique by an entire team or may be a form and style of play utilized by an individual player. In bully ball, an individual player or team will aim to play aggressively in each and every possession on the court.
Bully ball in basketball can be utilized and implemented on both the defensive and offensive fronts. Players utilizing a form of bully ball will play extremely aggressively against their opponents on both ends of the court and will rarely, if ever, let down their guard and aggression.
Why do Individual Players or Teams Play Bully Ball?
Quite simple, an individual basketball player or a basketball team may opt to play bully ball as a technique to win games. This is done by mentally and physically “breaking down” the opposing team. By playing aggressively on each play, the opposing team will be fatigued and exhausted due to the “in your face” style of play.
In addition to being physically exhausted and fatigued, by playing bully ball, a team may be able to better “get into” the opposing team’s head. Mentally exhausting a team, or an individual player, is an effective technique to winning a game.
By “getting into” an opposing player’s head, the team playing a style of bully ball can effectively reduce the opposing team’s confidence and self-assurance. By being both mentally and physically exhausted and fatigued, a player is more likely to make mistakes, take errant shots, and lose confidence in their abilities.
What Are the Downsides to Playing Bully Ball?
There are a few downsides to playing bully ball. The first is that playing in such a style is generally frowned upon in the basketball community. Although it does happen, playing bully ball is seen as an aggressive technique that can lead to physical altercations and fights both on and off the court.
In addition, playing bully ball can be physically exhausting. It is difficult to maintain that level of energy and physicality, particularly for each and every game. This physical, aggressive style of play can be difficult to maintain and may be difficult to continue throughout an entire game.
Lastly, playing bully ball in basketball can also lead to a reciprocal style of play from the opposing team. And, if the opposing team is bigger and stronger, then you may be placing yourself at a significant disadvantage.
It is, therefore, important to evaluate whether playing bully ball is in your best interest and to ensure that by playing that style that you will be able to both continue to do so throughout the entirety of the game and that the opposing team won’t retaliate with a similar style of play.
How to Play Bully Ball?
If, after taking into consideration the pros and cons of playing bully ball, you have decided that the physical style of play is a great form of basketball that you would like to adopt in your own game, then you will need to learn how to play with such an aggressive style.
For starters, playing bully ball is a mindset. It is a mindset in which you place physicality, aggression, and an “in your face” style of play on every play, on either end of the court. Bully ball is not a form of basketball that can be utilized on one play and not on the next, it is a style that must be maintained throughout.
And to maintain that mindset, you must place yourself in a certain mental state. That state is a win at any and all costs manner. You must learn to disassociate yourself from your own emotions and the emotions of the opposing team.
You must also learn that, by playing bully ball, you will likely be seen as a bully, aggressor, and target by the other team. They will reciprocate your aggression. And you will become the target of strong screens, tough defenses, and physical finishes at the basket.
In addition to having an aggressive mindset, it is also as equally important to develop core strength training. This means hitting the gym and working on large muscle groups to maintain that physicality on the court. You should pay particular attention to your upper and lower body muscles, including your chest, triceps, biceps, quads, and shoulders.
These muscle groups will not only have you looking bigger and more intimidating, but will also help you to set hard screens, to jump higher and block more shots, and to make more accurate and forceful passes on the court.
How to Avoid and Overcome Bully Ball
Unfortunately, when it comes to bully ball, there is really only one way to answer a player’s aggressive style of play. And that is to play equally and more aggressively. If a player is playing bully ball against you, then your best option is to meet their aggression level and continue to play hard on both ends of the court.
In addition, to beat and overcome bully ball, you should never let them get in your head. The truth is that playing bully ball is difficult. And it is even more so if you do not allow the player playing such a style to affect your game. So, keep working on your fundamentals, take good, open, high-probability shots, and look to help your teammates get open shots.
Most importantly though, is don’t be afraid. Players will adopt a bully ball style in order to intimidate their opponents. Don’t be afraid. Rather, play harder than them. Don’t be afraid of getting fouled, of having a defender in your face, or of a player setting a hard screen.
Continue playing in your own tough, aggressive style and match their aggression. Be in a mental state that cannot be overcome and know that you can win the game and that no-one can distract you from your own style of play.