Basketball workouts come in all shapes and sizes. From intense, explosive workouts, to high intensity interval trainings (HIIT), to shooting and defensive workouts to increase your basketball fundamentals.
However, there may be some days where you’re looking for something a bit easier and less strenuous. That’s why we’ve put together the easy at home basketball workouts list.
While this list of easy at home basketball workouts should only be utilized on your off-days and days you are simply looking to continue your basketball practice, it is still important to not push yourself too far past your body’s limit.
Whether you are looking to complete an easy or a strenuous, intense workout, you should be mindful of your own limits. Don’t feel obligated to work out every day and be sure to take advantage of days off to allow your body and mind to rest and reset.
However, if you are looking to practice some basketball fundamentals, even on your off days, then this list of easy at home basketball workouts is the perfect plan for you. It consists of workouts and drills that can be done solo at home and ones that focus more on your basketball fundamentals.
These workouts are also great to do by yourself and without the need of any additional people to help.
Free Throw Practice
The free throw is one of the most essential basketball skills a player can develop. Although free throws are taken throughout the game, they are crucial towards the end of the game, with the game on the line.
That is why they are an essential part of the game and one that should be practiced both at home and at practice.
One of the only ways to become a better free throw shooter is to simply practice the free throw multiple times over.
As we are looking to keep this workout simple and easy, aim to shoot 50 free throws at your home basketball hoop. However, you should also aim to make over 80% of your 50 shots.
Want to take your free throw practice to the next level?
Challenge yourself to shoot ten free throws in a row without missing a single shot.
Want to take it to the next level? Aim to make all ten shots without hitting the rim or backboard, nothing but net.
We’ve previously discussed the effectiveness and benefits of pushups within your overall basketball regimen and continue to espouse the overall gains that can be made from the simple pushup. Pushups are one of the best and easiest at home basketball workouts, if for no other reason than the fact that they can be done virtually anywhere and at any time.
The pushup is a great workout to increase your muscular and cardiovascular strength. It is also a great workout to increase your overall upper-body strength and size. For basketball conditioning, the pushup will help to add more definition to your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
For an effective basketball workout, aim to complete ten sets of pushups, ten times, over the course of a couple of hours. Technique and proper form are important aspects of this workout so be sure to utilize proper form throughout the pushup.
The simple sit-up is perhaps one of the greatest and easiest basketball workouts to complete at home. Similar to the pushup, the sit-up requires no additional tools or equipment and can be completed virtually anywhere and at any time.
Sit-ups are one of the best basketball workouts due to the fact that it works out your core muscles. These muscles are significant for effective basketball play and can not only help you with your overall strength and mobility but can also increase your overall defensive abilities while squatted down low.
For an effective basketball workout, aim to complete ten sets of sit-ups, ten times, over the course of a couple of hours. Technique and proper form are important aspects of this workout so be sure to utilize proper form throughout the pushup.
Jogging Suicides
We’ve also previously discussed the benefits of suicides and continue to encourage our readers to utilize this workout for increased cardiovascular strength. The suicide is an effective basketball workout as it mimics in-game scenarios, particularly the need to run up-and-down the court at full speed.
As you will want this work out to be easy and one that can be completed at home, we advise not running at full speed. Rather, complete these suicide workouts at a jogging pace, looking to increase your heart rate only slightly. As you will be performing these suicides at home, find a suitable area with little to no traffic and setup 4 cones throughout that area.
Jog from the starting position to the first cone, kneeling down to touch the cone with your hand. Return to an upright position and jog back to where you first started. Placing your hand on the cone where you started, jog to the second cone, repeating the same motion and returning to your starting point. Rinse-and-repeat until you’ve reached the last cone and jogged back to your original starting spot.
Solo Around the World
Any ardent basketball player or fan knows the rules to around the world. Simply start at one corner of the three-point line, aiming to make the shot, before moving to the outer perimeter on your starting side. Once you’ve scored from the outer perimeter, move to the straight line three-point spot, before moving to the outer perimeter on the opposing side and then the corner on the opposing side.
While around the world may not seem like a great basketball workout, it is a great way to practice your basketball three-point shot. Similarly, this workout is one of the easiest to complete at home and will require little exertion and stress on your body and joints.