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Best Rebound Drills to Practice at Home

Best Rebound Drills to Practice at Home

Best Rebound Drills to Practice at Home

Let’s face it, the rebound can make or break a game and securing a crucial rebound at the end of the game can ensure your team’s victory. 

However, all too often, basketball players forgo essential rebound drills, opting to practice their shooting, dunking, or strength training skills. 

That’s why we’re going to discuss the best rebound drills to practice at home.  These rebound drills can be completed solo and alone, without the need of another player or coach.

Defensive and offensive rebounds can swing the momentum of a game.  A crucial miss by the offensive team is only as valuable as the ability to secure the ball after the miss. 

This means that it is absolutely essential to not only practice an effective box out but to also position yourself to where the ball is likely to land after a miss.

That is why some of the best rebound drills to practice at home not only include the need to secure the ball after a miss, but to also understand the basic physics involved in a rebound. 

Understanding the probability of a ball landing at a certain location will not only help you to secure the ball but will also help you to be at the right position to obtain the rebound after a miss.

Long Shot, Long Rebound.  Short Shot, Short Rebound.

One of the most important rules to understand about rebounding is that a long shot, typically from beyond the three-point line, will result in a long rebound.  This means that an offensive shot from beyond the three-point line will typically result in a rebound approximately ten feet from the rim.

Similarly, a short, close-range shot that fails to enter the hoop, will have a short-rebound trajectory.  A shot from within 15-feet of the basket typically won’t have a long-rebound opportunity, with the ball settling within a few feet of the rim after the miss.

It is, therefore, important to practice shooting the ball at home and analyzing where the ball lands after a miss.  This is one of the most crucial facets of a rebounding exercise and one of the best rebound drills to practice at home. 

Not only will you be able to practice your own two-handed shot abilities, but you will also be able to analyze the ball’s position after a miss.  Take 100 shots from around the perimeter of the hoop and see where the ball lands.  You’ll find that more often than not, a long shot attempt will result in a long-rebound opportunity.

Off the Wall Rebounding Practice

Another great rebound drill to practice at home is the off the wall rebound drill.  This exercise will require a wall, preferably higher than ten feet.  You will attempt to throw the basketball as high as you can.  Once the ball hit the wall and begins its descent, you should attempt to jump as high as you possibly can and secure the ball.

This workout will not only help with your hand-eye coordination but will also help you to practice your rebounding skills.  To make this drill even more difficult, you should attempt to secure the ball with only one-hand.  This will help you in real-life, game situations where the ball may be just out of reach.

“High Fives”

The importance of your vertical jump cannot be overstated when it comes to securing the rebound.  Therefore, it is absolutely essential to practice your vertical jump as a parallel to practicing rebounding skills at home.  Standing directly under the basket, in a rebounding stance, place both arms directly above your head.  Jump at full force, attempting to touch the backboard with both hands, giving the backboard a “high five” with both hands.

This drill will not only help you to increase your vertical but will also help to improve your cardiovascular strength and conditioning.  In addition, this drill will help you to maintain your momentum throughout a live game as you fight for the offensive and defensive rebounds.  Complete this drill ten times for three sets.

Self-Pass Off the Backboard

Another great rebound drill to practice at home is the self-pass off of the backboard.  Standing directly facing the backboard, attempt to throw the ball off of the backboard with full force.  You should be able to secure the ball with both hands before it lands on the floor.  Repeat this drill a minimum of fifty times.

Shoot and Grab

This rebound drill is another one that can be practiced at home and can be done individually.  Attempt to take a shot from anywhere on the court.  However, if you miss, chase down the rebound before it lands on the court.  This drill will not only help you to practice your shooting skills but will also help with your agility, speed, and efficiency in chasing down the rebound.

Offensive Rebound Pressure

This rebound drill requires two players.  Standing at the free throw line, player 1 will throw the ball, underhanded, against the backboard, chasing the ball down and securing the rebound.  Player 2, standing directly behind player 1, will also attempt to secure the rebound, but if fails to do so, will place pressure against player 1, attempting to force a turnover.

The Superman Drill

Standing on the right or left side of the basket, throw the ball forcefully off the opposing backboard glass.  Quickly chase the ball down and secure the rebound.  Once secured, repeat the process from the point where the ball was secured.

Put Back Drills

Another great rebound drill to practice at home and one that can be done individually, the put back drill is meant to develop your instinct for both the rebound and the offensive completion.  Standing at the free throw line or the three-point line, toss the ball with one hand against the backboard.  Once released, chase the ball, grabbing it in midair, as you attempt to score the ball into the hoop.