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Best Arm Workouts for Basketball Players

Best Arm Workouts for Basketball Players

Best Arm Workouts for Basketball Players

Basketball is a game that requires both aerobic and anaerobic training to be successful in.  That is, it requires both cardiovascular and muscular training to be successful in. 

While cardiovascular training is important and an essential skill, a well-rounded basketball player must also incorporate muscular training and workouts into their regimen to be successful.

Not taking the time necessary to work out your arms and upper body will not only leave you at a deficit on the court but will also limit your overall basketball skills. 

That is why, below, we are going to discuss the best arm workouts for basketball players and show you the exact arm workouts you need to complete to be the best all-around basketball player.

While muscular and arm workouts may seem difficult to complete, it is about completing them in a safe manner. 

This means working out your arms with proper form and with a level of weight that your arms can properly handle and lift.  Exerting too much pressure on your arm muscles can leave you with a nagging injury and could potentially sideline you from the game.

What to Focus on for Arm Workouts?

When it comes to the best arm workouts for basketball players, it is important to focus on strengthening your biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders.  

These muscle groups will help you with securing offensive and defensive rebounds, your ability to take two and three-point shots from further back, and with the ability to push-off a defender to find an open shot.  In addition, strong, well-toned arms will help you finish at the rim and put-back a missed shot.

While working out your arms, you should also be cognizant of both your wrists and fingers.  Basketball is a game that is primarily played through the hands and developing those muscles will provide you with more control and composure over the ball.

Best Arm Workouts for Basketball Players

Barbell Bench Press

Perhaps the single best workout any basketball player or professional athlete can complete is the barbell bench press.  The barbell bench press is where you can take your upper body strength to the next level and where you can effectively build your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

For many lifters and athletes, the barbell bench press is known as one of the “big three” lifts, which includes both the squat and the deadlift. 

Performing the barbell bench press, you will primarily work your pectoralis major, otherwise known as your chest muscles. 

For an effective barbell bench press workout, be sure to take care of your form first. 

While you may feel the need to add additional weight, you will only run the risk of injury if you do not have your form down correctly.  Rather, fix your form first and then begin adding a comfortable amount of weight.

To perform a barbell bench press, lie flat on a bench and set your hands just outside of shoulder width.  Set your shoulder bladed by pinching them together and pushing them into the bench.  Taking a deep breath, lift the barbell off of the rack.  Let the bar descend slowly in a straight line and allow it to touch your chest.  Exhaling, push the bar back to your original starting point.

4 Sets of 10, 8, 8, & 6 reps.

Dumbbell Flys

Dumbbell flys are another greatarm workout for basketball players and another workout that focuses on both your chest, triceps, and shoulders. 

The dumbbell fly movement isolates the chest muscles to better help those muscles grow and become stronger.  In addition, performing the dumbbell fly will help you lift more weight on the bench press.

To perform a dumbbell fly, simply sit on a bench whilst holding two individual weights, one in each hand.  With your palms facing outward, kick back and lie flat on the bench.  Push the weights off your chest, holding them directly above.  Slowly, extend both hands to a horizontal position, holding the weights steady throughout.  Exhaling, bring the weights back to starting position.

2 sets of 10 reps.

Best Arm Workouts for Basketball Players

Straight Bar Triceps Extension

The straight bar triceps extension is one of the best, and most simple, tricep workouts to complete at the gym.  This workout primarily focuses on your triceps and will also assist in your barbell bench press abilities as well. 

The straight bar triceps extension will also help to build your overall arm strength and definition and is a primary workout completed by professional basketball players around the world.

Tricep strength will help basketball players perform better both offensively and defensively and will come in handy when it comes to passing, shooting, and securing a rebound.

To complete a straight bar tricep extension, simply attach a straight bar to a cable stack, as high as possible, whilst maintaining a standing position.  Grasping the straight bar with your palms facing downward, lean forward slightly and begin pulling the bar down.  Once you’ve reached the lower position, begin slowly lifting the bar back to the starting position.

4 sets of 10, 8, 8, & 6 reps.

Standing Barbell Curl

The standing barbell curl is one of the most effective bicep workouts you can complete.  It is also one of the easier bicep workouts and one that isolates the bicep muscles, allowing the bicep muscle to grow and strengthen. 

While the standing barbell curl is relatively simple to complete, too often, weightlifters and athletes while utilize their back to assist in the lift.  This is a big mistake and can injure your back.  Rather than relying on your back to assist with the lift, simply reduce the overall barbell weight.  Don’t forget, form is the most important aspect in any lift!

To complete the standing barbell curl, simply stand up straight, feet together, and back straight, with your arms fully extended while holding the bar.  Curl the barbell towards your body, making sure to not allow the barbell to touch your body.   Lower the barbell back down to a starting position and repeat.

3 sets of 8, 8, & 6 reps.

Best Arm Workouts for Basketball Players

Dumbbell Shrugs

Dumbbell shrugs are one of the most effective shoulder workouts and a great overall workout for basketball players.  In addition to working out the shoulders, the dumbbell shrugs will also help to tone your trap muscles, consisting of your upper and middle back.

To complete a dumbbell shrug, assume a standing position while holding dumbbells on both sides of your body.  Standing tall, contract your traps to elevate the shoulders, thus lifting the dumbbells.  Lower back down and repeat.


Push-ups are a simple, yet effective, arm workout that can be done from nearly anywhere. And although many basketball players overlook the importance of the simple push-up, they can be a great way to increase upper-body strength and tone.

Push-ups are one of the best exercise routines for basketball players and are especially useful due to their ease in completing and the ability to complete without additional resources, tools, or equipment’s.  Push-ups are also a fast and effective exercise for building strength and can be done virtually anywhere and at any time.